Friday, December 19, 2014

Mini Rustic Wreaths

What do you do when you have an empty space and it needs a little Christmas cheer.  Well I leaned a couple of small shutters against the wall and stood an Angel in front of them.  But that didn't look very merry so I made these little wreaths and they were perfect.
Rustic wreaths
These are rustic with a tiny bit of bling.  What a great combo.
twine and mason jar ring
All you need for these mini wreaths is some jute twine, and a mason jar ring for the frame. That's it. 
Jut tie a knot and start wrapping
Just tie a knot around the ring, and start wrapping. If you leave a bit of twine at the beginning you have something to tie the end with when you have it wrapped all the way around.
Now you have these little twine wreaths that are ready for some attention. I got out the hot glue gun and added a cedar tree sprig, and tiny red Styrofoam balls.  I have a box of bling and I picked out these little crystals that are still on their little hooks. They were left over from an old chandelier I repurposed.  A little tip: when you are hanging things from a shutter, just twist the end of a paper clip around,  then hook the other end over a slat. It works great and is barely noticeable.

A pretty wreath.

If one is pretty, two is better.
And three is perfect.
Now this is a bight and merry corner, ready for Christmas day.


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