Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Canada Day Mason Tea Light Holder

Every time I look through mason jar projects at this time of the year I see tons of pretty little mason jars painted with stars and stripes in red white and blue.   My friends from south of the border are really busy.

What I don't see is Canada Day mason jars and I kinda wondered why.  So I decided it's about time someone made them.  I'm so glad I did because I absolutely love  it.

First I gathered together a bunch of stuff because I wasn't really sure how I was going to make it.  I mixed a batch of my DIY chalky paint in red.  This little bowl is about a half cup. Once it's mixed I just keep it in a jar and it will last for a couple of weeks.

Then I washed my mason jar and dried it really well.  First I gave it a good coat of the white I already had mixed. 

While the paint was drying I measured a spoon and using pliers I bent it to hang down into the jar.

It will hang inside like this and hold the tea light candle.

I painted the back side of  a small maple leaf to use like a stamp, then painted the top and bottom of the jar red as well.

A little sanding of the raised areas and some jute twine around the top and it's done.   All that's left is to add a candle.

I love how it looks and I can't wait to make some more.  I think these would look great going up a set of stairs to a deck to light the way home after the fireworks,  or lined up on a mantle. 
Where would you put yours?

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