Thursday, January 15, 2015

Pantry from Sears Bookshelves. Part 1

I don't have a pantry but I really need one because my kitchen has very limited cupboard space. I currently keep items in the cabinet in the laundry room, and in a tiny kitchen cupboard.

I don't have the funds to build a pantry cupboard from scratch so I need to make this with what I have available. 

What I have is a pair of  well worn Sears  bookshelves that have been used to store stuff in a garage and then in a junk room. spare bedroom for years. They are worn and have holes where they have been screwed together and the back needs to be put back on one.  OH... and they are very very ugly.

I also have a louvered bi-fold door.  Now things don't usually work out like this but it just happens that this bi-fold door is exactly the same width as the shelves.  So far so good.

The shelves have this kick plate at the bottom, so if I turn one shelf over and stack them with the two tops together, this kick plate will be at the top and the bottom. 

 The two shelves stacked  aren't quite the same height as the shutters so it might take a bit of fiddling.
hmmm ... I'll need some hinges, some door knobs, and some trim... oh and paint.

I'm not sure it's  going to work yet so you'll just have to check back next week to see whether or not this is going to be a winner or a colossal fail.  Wish me luck.

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