Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Some Forgotten Roadside Treasure


I have a couple of vintage doors that are causing me quite a dilemma.  While returning from a trip to the city last fall, (yep, almost a year ago)  I spotted a pile of doors and windows on the curb with the word "Free" posted on a raged cardboard box.  And of course free is our favorite word right?  So of course I put as much as I could in my vehicle and brought it home. I wonder what people thought with old doors hanging out the back of my truck and the back door tied down with my hoodie.  Note to self: keep a length of rope in vehicle at all times.

What an incredible find.  There were four Solid wood doors, very old, very chippy and very beautiful.  Two of them even had the glass intact.
And a  motel style double headboard as well. It was a bit dirty but  it still had the cleat attached to the back for mounting it to the wall. 
There were a few windows too but unfortunately they were too rotten to use  

So here is my dilemma.  It's almost  a year later and I still haven't figured out what I am doing with the doors. If you have ever checked out vintage doors on pinterest you would understand my dilemma. There are just too many choices.

I have given the headboard a paint job so I can use it in my guest room when we finally get it done. The room will be used by my granddaughter more than anyone so I'm thinking the "Coral Reef" paint colour from yesterday's post for the walls (Once I strip that awful wallpaper of course)  and maybe some shabby accessories.
What do you think?

Back to the doors... I have been looking at projects made from old doors again recently  and am still undecided.  Here are a few of the pieces that I am inspired by. All I have to do is pick one ... Right?

I love this Hall Tree from "Beyond the Picket Fence"  This blog is also one of my favorite places to spend a half hour with a cup of coffee.
This bookshelf is adorable. 
This one is an amazing piece of décor.
And  I'm in love with this beverage station from Finding Home
This is just a taste of why I can't decide.  Sometimes a piece will just tell you what it needs to be, but these doors are a bit wishy washy.  They keep changing their minds.
Check out the ton of possibilities on  Vintage Doors  on Pinterest .  Maybe you can point me in the right direction.

I'd love to hear from you.
Please leave a comment and tell me
what you think of todays post.

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