Thursday, January 8, 2015

What a diffenence ten days makes.

We had a ton of snow here in November but then it all melted because we were having some unusually warm weather for this time of year. 

My husband went out and took a picture of the yard on the 28 of December because he couldn't believe we had no snow and it was after Christmas.

Taken Dec 28, 2014

You can see there is a tiny bit that didn't melt but we have had very  mild days.  I've been seeing on the news that our neighbours to the south of the border have been getting terrible weather, tons of snow and very cold temps.  And the provinces to our west have been seeing some colder that usually days as well. 

Taken on Jan 8, 2015

I knew we should enjoy it while we could.  It's only ten days later here and we have gone through two of the coldest nights I can remember in many years.  It was -25 C  (-18F) two nights ago and last night it reached a nice balmy -28 C  (-13F). And that's just what I saw when I got up through the night. The wind is howling around the corners of the house and mother nature is having a temper tantrum. I'd say 10 days makes quite a difference.  Welcome winter.. I think you are here to stay this time.

Please take extra care wherever you are and with whatever you are doing during this unpredictable season. Stay safe and warm.

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